As stated on the Home page, membership is for mature bikers over 40 years. There is no upper limit on membership.
New members will:
– have access to the club Forum;
– will receive a welcome pack with a badge and a sticker;
– will be invited to join our Facebook group;
– be emailed links to our quarterly online newsletter “Shining On“.
– be able to participate in events both in GB and events organised by our Ulyssean friends on the continent. We have forged strong links with thriving clubs in Germany, France, Norway and Switzerland and are keen to be active supporters of other European clubs as they grow with us.
Please note: Our club uses a secure online membership system: Payment can be made using PayPal, debit/credit cards or BACS. Members can make changes to address, contact, or family details through a log-in to Membermojo.
Membership Fees
Joining fee for new membership: — £10
Individual annual membership:—– £20
(plus one joining fee for new membership)
*Joint annual membership:———– £24
(plus one joining fee for new membership)
(*2 members at the same address)
Membership is annual from the 1st September.
Subscriptions for new members vary according to the month of joining:
Individual Annual: Sep-Nov £20; Dec-Feb £15: Mar-May £10; Jun-Jul £5
Joint Annual: Sep-Nov £24; Dec-Feb £18: Mar-May £12; Jun-Jul £6
(Those joining in August will have a subscription until 1st Sep of the next year)
New Members…
If you are interested in joining our friendly club:
please click >>HERE << to obtain application details.
Existing Members…
To view your membership data in Membermojo or renew:
please click >> HERE <<